
The Plano Amateur Radio Klub operates five repeaters, which are located in Allen, Texas about 180 feet above ground level. All licensed amateur operators are welcome to join us on the air, all repeaters are open.

147.180 MHz + (PL 107.2) K5PRK VHF Voice repeater (Listen LIVE)

444.250 MHz + (PL 79.7) K5PRK UHF Voice repeater (Listen LIVE)

441.575 MHz + DStar UHF Digital Voice Port B

1295.000 MHz -20.000 DStar 23 cm Digital Voice Port A

1255.000MHz  DStar 23 cm Digital Data

Note: If you notice problems with any of the club’s repeaters, please contact via email with a detailed description of what the issue is. If we don’t know that a repeater is down, we can’t fix it.

The county and metroplex are well covered for APRS on the standard 144.390 MHz, so we have not added any digipeaters on that frequency.

For special events, like the Plano Balloon Festival, Wild Ride, and MS150 we  have a off-frequency APRS digipeater and I-Gate (Internet Gateway) K5PRK-11 on 144.340 MHz. With additional digi/I-gates W5MRC-14 in Melissa and W5NGU-4 in Denton on 144.340 Collin and Denton counties are well covered for special events.

In support of Collin County ARES, PARK has installed a VHF RMS Paclink node K5PRK-10 at the club repeater site, which operates on 145.090 MHz 24/7.

Hospital Net: Friday, 8:30 AM CST
North Central Texas Hospital radio club weekly nets check in with area hospitals, EOCs, and County Healthcare. The net runs on 146.700, and once check-ins are complete it moves to 147.140.  Once check-ins are complete it moves to 145.490 for the final repeater check-in net.

The North Central Texas Hospital Net starts Fridays at 0830 hours.

146.700  –   110.9

147.140  +  110.9

145.490  –    88.5

All licensed Amateurs are welcome to check in, regardless of any Healthcare relationship.


Local and Some HF Area Nets

McKinney Amateur Radio Club
Sunday 8:00 PM – General Information Net – we ask participants about their week in ham radio and their thoughts on a question of interest to the ham community.
W5MRC Repeater, (146,740 MHz, offset -0.600 MHz, tone 110.9)

Monday 8:30 PM – Simplex net – see how far your VHF radio can go without a repeater
Along with general discussion. 146.540 MHz Since this is simplex, no offset or tone are required.

1st and 3rd Mondays 8:00 PM – The MARC Ladies Net – All radio amateurs are welcome.
W5MRC repeater (146.740 MHz, offset -0.600 MHz, tone 110.9)

Collin County ARES Nets
Collin County Amateur Radio Emergency Service conducts two training nets each month. You do not need to be an ARES member to participate, all radio amateurs are welcome.
1st Sunday 9:00 PM – Collin County ARES –
K5PRK repeater, 1(47.180 MHz, offset +0.600 MHz, tone 107.2 Hz)

3rd Sunday 9:00 PM – Collin County ARES –
W5MRC repeater, (146.740 MHz, offset -0.600 MHz, tone 110.9 Hz)

Lake Area Repeater Club Nets

Garland Amateur Radio Club Nets
Thursday 8:00 PM – Info net – The Garland Amateur Radio Club holds an informal net open to all amateur radio operators. The net begins with check in and general announcements, followed by general discussion.
K5QHD Repeater (146.66 MHz, PL Tone 110.9 Hz, Offset -0.600 MHz)

Lucas Amateur Radio Club
Tuesday 8:00 PM – Open Net – an informal net open to all Amateur Radio operators.
K5LFD Repeater (442.2125 MHz, offset +5.0 MHz, tone 91.5)

Wednesday 8:00 PM – Simplex Net – An informal repeaterless net on 146.54 MHz to gauge the ef- fectiveness of our VHF capabilities.

North Texas Hospital Net

North Texas Hospital radio club weekly nets check in with area hospitals. Friday mornings (time TBD 8:30 am or 9 am). Jimmy Dominguez is NCS. 442.400/146.700. Regular splits PL tones 110.9/110.9. All are welcome to check in from your QTH as individual.

Attention; The North Central Texas Healthcare ARC net begins at 0830 Friday and moves to 146.700, the past Fridays the 146.700 repeater has been down, with uncertainty when the 146.700 repeater will be back online, the North Texas Central Healthcare ARC will only have the 442.400 portion of the net.

HF Nets

Search for 100s of nets.

On-Air Net Scraper:

Daily Net 11:00 AM – 9:00 PM – 14:300 MHz – The Maritime Mobile Service Network
Any licensed ham (General Class or higher) can check in. This net is focused on assisting those who are maritime mobile and over the years, several distress calls have been handled by this net.14.300

Sunday 2:00 PM – 14.282 – Amateur Radio Satellite Net – Open net for licensed amateur satellite discussion and updates.

Daily Net – OMISS – Focused on awards, particularly Worked All State
1:30 PM frequency 14.290
8:00 PM frequency 7.185

Many more nets are listed here

If you want to list your favorite net please send as much information as you can to