50th Anniversary Name and Callsign Badges Now Available
As part of our 50th anniversary Jubilee and as a way for all of us to show our pride in being members of the Plano Amateur Radio Klub, “The SignMan of Baton Rouge” has incorporated PARK’s 50th Anniversary logo into his repertoire of club specific name and callsign badges. We’ve chosen two color combinations to choose from.
This link will take you directly to his website page from which you can select and order yours: https://thesignman.com/clubs/planoark.html
If you liked the black PARK 50th shirt Anthony wore for the club auction – that was ordered through StickerMule and costs $19.
This is their cost. Nothing added on top.
If you want to re-order holographic PARK 50th stickers – the ones Anthony was giving away at the January meeting, these were ordered through StickerMule here:

You can find additional K5PRK merchandise at CafePress.
Designs will be updated with the 50th Anniversary logo, Field Day, and more.
The PARK Field Day store is now open.

We will upload the logo to their system, and pick products to put it on – if you are interested in a particular product, but don’t see it, let us know.
Any shipping, product issues, etc., are between you and Cafe Press. (not PARK)
It was asked if the Xtra Large and above sizes have additional costs, and it looks like they do.
Shipping on one Large t-shirt is $6,49. A bit more than I’d like. But it is what it is.
Discount codes like (JUNE-DEAL-20) do not apply to custom fulfillment items like ours. Sorry.
Here’s a pricing sample:
Mens Lightweight Tee T-Shirt $15.99
Subtotal $15.99
Shipping $6.49
Tax $1.85
Order Total $24.33