President: Tim Johnson, K5TCJ
Following a lifetime of interest, interrupted by family and career, Tim became a General Class Amateur Radio Operator (KF5JDH) in 2010 and upgraded to Amateur Extra in 2012. He is active on the HF bands, chasing DX, working digital modes, casual contesting, and the occasional FM satellite pass. Off the air, Tim enjoys Antenna Parties, Field Day, Elmering and being Elmered, teaching Technician and General classes, and is a Volunteer Examiner.
Tim is a retired Chief Petty Officer (Electronics Technician) having served over 25 years in the US Naval Services. And is now retired from a fulfilling career in telecommunications that has progressed from twisted pair phone lines, satellite, microwave and fiber-optics networks; Internetworking solutions, VoIP technologies, and cloud-based telephony and networking solutions.

Vice President: Anthony Burokas, KB3DVS
Licensed back in the last millennium, back when the “world was going to end” because of some Y2K bug that didn’t really seem to end up causing much trouble… I’m down in Texas (USA) now after spending much of my life up in Pennsylvania, where I got the “3” call. But as I call myself a Digital Video Specialist, and KB3DVS was the call issued by the FCC- purely by chance, I’m going to keep it.
I joined the Plano Klub after visiting several area clubs and really liking the open and welcoming nature of the members I found in the Plano Klub. It felt fun and comfortable like the Warminster Amateur Radio Club I was a member of in PA. As VP, I look forward to bringing some interesting programs to PARK members.
The most fun I’ve had on the radio is when I had the opportunity to stay with my father KL1HB (SK) in his bush cabin in Alaska. No AC power, no running water, no flush toilet, no TV, but solar panels and a couple big marine batteries powered his radio connected to a 55′ tower and a 3-element beam. Couple that with the rare Alaska activation and, when the bands were open, pileups ensued. Other times, despite the quiet locale and great setup, the bands would be absolutely silent. I also got to hear what radio signals sound like when the aurora was in full swing. A real adventure.
For my “day job” I’m a video producer – specializing in multi-camera, live-switched, streaming. Mostly for corporate and events. I make your meeting look like a well produced TV show. With full time work, and two active kids, I’m not involved in many ham activities, but I do make sure to carve out time for the winter and summer Field Day events. I enjoy the camaraderie of being on the bands with other hams, solving problems together, filling the logbook, and having our Field Day dinners together.
Secretary: B. J. Watkins, K5BJW
Growing up in the age of CB radio, my interest began in high school when I got my first Hallicrafters CB24 radio. While ham radio was appealing, the Morse code requirement stopped me in my tracks. During my career with the Dallas Police Department, I found myself drafted as a radio dispatcher for 18 months and later returned for another tour of 12 months as a radio room supervisor and 9-1-1 center supervisor.
Later, the city offered a class for the technician ham license that had recently had the code requirement removed. I was licensed as KE5UMC on May 8, 2008. I later passed my General Class on October 6, 2015.
I am a past treasurer for P.A.R.K. having completing my predecessors term and served an additional term in addition.
I am usually found on the VHF/UHF bands or building antennas.

Treasurer: Michael Tharp, KG5TJF
I got my Technician’s license in June 2017 and upgraded to General class in August 2019. I like to play around with Echolink, mobile, portable and DMR. My long-term goal is to get involved with the National Weather Service Skywarn program.
Currently I also oversee the Field Day activities for the club as well. This enables me to work with many active members of the club planning and executing these exciting events.
Activities Director: Richard Seitz, KG5HCJ
Communications Director: Kipton Moravec, AE5IB

Kip, AE5IB, got his license in 2007. He enjoys the public service and emergency readiness aspects of Amateur Radio. He usually operates on VHF and higher, and likes to work with HSMM-MESH at 2.4 GHz. Now his weekends seem to be taken up working on the PARK repeater. You can usually find him helping out with The Plano Balloon Festival, Bike MS: Sam’s Club Round-Up Ride, the Dallas Marathon, the Blacklands Triathlon, The Plano Christmas Parade, and many other events during the year. He also is active in the Rapid Deployment, Communications Assist Group (RDCAG) to provide Winlink email service.
Webmaster: James McCormick, KG5KBP
James was licensed in 2015. He’s an IT professional by day, and by the weekend he’s operated mostly on low power modes on JT65, FT8, and FT4. Somewhere around the house, he has a Raspberry Pi he set up to be a self-contained Winlink unit. Previously, he was affiliated with Carrollton ARES/RACES, back when he lived in that part of town.

Newsletter Editor: Neil Gould, NE5IL
I just passed 50 years as a ham. I started at 14 years old as WN5ZGC and then became WA5ZGC with the Advanced class which I still have. As soon as I could I applied for my vanity call NE5IL. I was active at Texas A&M W5AC. As with most ‘old’ hams my activities have been varied through out the years and depending on family and work obligations. I enjoy operating Field Day and the 10 meter contest ( when the band is open ). I promoted ham radio through Boy Scouts when my sons were involved and helped with several JOTA activities. I help out with public service activities when I can. After being a member of PARK for many years I decided it was time to give back as a board member.
Public Relations: Sam Parson, W9VPU
I was born in the state of Florida in the year 2007 and was adopted at birth to my current family here in Texas. I have lived in Plano my entire life and I have always loved it here. I live in a small town east of plano called Parker, which is somewhat sub rural. I was first licensed as a Technician class operator. No morse code test was required at the time (phew). I then very soon upgraded to General and this opened up my world of operations to HF radio.
When I first was licensed I was k9nd of a quiet person meaning I was not very active and all I had in terms of gear was a handheld connected to a mag-mount on a metal plate on my roof. I attended my first park meeting in March of 2021 and I have been attending every one I could since, eager to ask questions and learn as much as I could. This went on for a few months … until field day came along. At the time, I really did not know what it was about and what we did during that time. So, I went and helped set up (what i thought) the massive antennas in the park. After doing this I was somewhat hooked. When we got setup and the operation started, I sat in front of a radio and attempted to make contact and failed the first several times. That was until I made a contact. 100W through a wire into Hawaii on Phone, THIS is what got me hooked. And since then, it has been an adventure to get my station at home built. I love to fiddle with portable HF antennas. I have learned that in terms of simplicity, nothing beats a 600ohm ladder line fed dipole
Many often ask me how i got a W9 callsign living in texas my whole life … The short of it is that my great uncle was a ham radio operator in Chicago Illinois in the year of 1956. Sadly, he passed 30 years before my existence so I never got to meet him. So, my callsign being KI5ULT at the time I decided to apply for the call as a vanity to get the call in his honor, and I got it! My other hobby is welding and I love to build and create things on my family’s farm.

Immediate Past President: Sean Kelly, W5SPK
Sean P. Kelly, our current President, is our immediate past Vice –President serving from the period 2014-2017. He holds an Amateur Extra Radio Class, call sign W5SPK. He was first licensed in May 1999 as KD5HGS. He owes his love of the hobby to his father, Patrick W. Kelly (WQ6N-SK). He has earned certifications in emergency communications from the American Radio Relay League as well as completing courses with FEMA in ICS, NIMS, and AUX-COM. He is a nationally certified firefighter (IFSAC and Pro-Board Seals) and a registered Emergency Medical Technician in the State of Texas. He is a veteran volunteer FF/EMT having served four different departments in three states. He is married and father of two. His family includes three additional licensed operators – his wife Shannon is W5SEK; Conor, his son is KG5UPJ; and his daughter Grace is KG5APE. Sean is employed by Amphenol Corporation. Sean’s mentoring focus is tied to emergency communications and HF mobile operations.
Past Presidents:

Bruce Dingman, N5BYL
Bruce became a ham in 1980 as a Technician. Just a few months later he achieved Advanced. He enjoyed HF CW, but became more interested in the Public Service side. Bruce became Weather related AEC for Collin County, and served as EC for Collin County ARES for about 8 years, and then became District 5 DEC. He has previously held Communications Director, Treasurer and President offices within the PARK organization. He is an avid photographer, and is presently working as Production Manager for a small company that builds Test Equipment for the US Air Force.
Kipton Moravec, AE5IB
Kip, AE5IB, got his license in 2007. He enjoys the public service and emergency readiness aspects of Amateur Radio. He usually operates on VHF and higher, and likes to work with HSMM-MESH at 2.4 GHz. Now his weekends seem to be taken up working on the PARK repeater. You can usually find him helping out with The Plano Balloon Festival, Bike MS: Sam’s Club Round-Up Ride, the Dallas Marathon, the Blacklands Triathlon, The Plano Christmas Parade, and many other events during the year. He also is active in the Rapid Deployment, Communications Assist Group (RDCAG) to provide Winlink email service.

Charlie Taylor, K5USS
Charlie Taylor has been a licensed amateur for 8 years and holds an Extra class license. His favorite activities are contesting, VHF/UHF weak signal work, and building antennas.