As part of our 50th Anniversary, The Plano Amateur Radio Klub is having a Member Activation Contest and it is already underway.
Club Members will activate / use the callsign K5PRK/50 on the air
and record your contacts in HamAward.cloud using a web browser.
It looks like this:

In order to Activate K5PRK/50, interested club members need to sign up here.
We will then pass the list of sign-ups through our club Secretary to verify club member status
before your approved Activator information will be added to HamAward.
If you are not a verified, active club member,
you will not be added to the participant list for the contest
and you will not see it in HamAward.
Then Activators will go and create a HamAward login for themselves.
Only the list of Activators we provide to HamAward will see our contest in HamAward.
You can go on the air any day and Activate K5PRK/50, any time, and log your contacts using any web browser directly into HamAward. Multiple club Activators can be on at the same time, and HamAward even has a built-in chat for Activators.

Please use the recent contact list right under the log form (above) to see who might already be on the air, and on what frequency, so you can allow each other the space to operate. Choose a different band, or mode, and have fun.
Here’s a quick look at how it is to login and use HamAward during the contest.
It is up to each activator to accurately and honestly record each of their contacts.
Every participant in this contest can see live statistics to see who is leading the way-
Top Voice contacts, Top CW contacts, Top Digital contacts, Top Overall contacts, etc.
We already have prizes in-hand for those club members who help PARK spread the word about our 50th anniversary with this fun “get on the air” contest. We’ll also have some small prizes for those who may not get the _most_ contacts, but are active in the contest.
In order to Activate K5PRK/50, interested club members need to sign up here.
This will be a lot of fun – to get back on the air, with purpose!
As we approach the conclusion of this operating event, here’s the finish lines that everyone can work toward- if they want. If you just want to have fun, then have fun and don’t worry about the points.
The Contest Categories:
Most Total Contacts Worked as K5PRK/50
Then, in order of # of contacts made in each category,
the following categories will be awarded
Most Digital Contacts as K5PRK/50
Most Voice Contacts as K5PRK/50
Most CW Contacts as K5PRK/50
Most VHF Contacts as K5PRK/50 (Tech Bonus!)
Most Bands Worked as K5PRK/50
Most Modes Worked as K5PRK/50
The winners, in order, will then get to select from the following prices.
The prizes:
Bioenno BCLF-1220A 20AH LiFePO Battery & Charger $220 ea
Bioenno BLF-1215 15Ah LiFePO Battery & Charger $175 ea
Bioenno BLF-1212 12Ah LiFePO Battery & Charger $150 ea
Dakota Lithium: PowerBox 10 ($229)
Ham Radio Outlet $100 Gift Certificate
Ham Radio Outlet $75 Gift Certificate
Ham Radio Outlet $50 Gift Certificate
All participants also receive the PARK 50th Anniversary pin.
Any tie will be decided by which operator had the most total contacts.
Prizes awarded at the Holiday Party:
Each category winner will get to pick the one prize they want most.
If that same person is also the winner of another catagory – they will be recognized as the winner, but they have already received the one prize they wanted most.
The second place finisher in that category then gets to pick a prize.
ANYONE CAN WIN. Can you do PSK or RTTY? There are currently very few contacts using those modes.
Also, if you are a Tech license holder, you can still work 10m, 6, 2, 70cm, and up, you can win the VHF category, etc. Now is your chance to plan tactically to win or “place” in one, or several categories. Did you know there are currently only THREE contacts on 2m? and nine on 6m? Can you do better? Can you make 10 contacts? Then you could win! That’s how easy this is.
Special VHF Notes:
– 6m, 2m, and 70cm are available. For anything higher, use 70cm.
– FM Simplex is available as a mode well as SSB.
– If you use Olivia or other multi-tone mode, register it as PSK.
– Repeater contacts not allowed.
– Echolink / Wires / “net” contacts, not allowed.
That’s the last date to make contacts to be counted for the contest. In addition to the prizes, everyone does have the satisfaction of being part of letting the world know about K5PRK’s 50th anniversary, and you get a 50th Anniversary participation pin for making the Member Activation Contest a success.
Contest and prizes open to PARK members only.
Winners will be determined by board members not participating in the contest.
Statistics are visible to all participants for verification.
So, let’s see those SIGN UPS!!! In order to Activate K5PRK/50,
interested club members need to sign up here. https://bit.ly/3n5hX4r