PARK January General Meeting April 20th 7:00 pm

This month’s meeting will be another virtual meeting. There is a link below that will allow you to access the meeting either by your computer or phone. The topic of this months meeting will be APRS and will be presented by Kip AE5IB. The presentation will be available before the meeting via the website or…

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Given the ongoing coronavirus situation, the Plano Amateur Radio Klub Board of Directors has decided that the next PARK General Meeting (7:00 pm Monday March 16th, 2020) will be conducted as a “Meeting on the Air” on our club repeaters, instead of at the usual meeting location. We will link our VHF and UHF repeaters…

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PARK General Meeting February 17th 7:00 pm

The next PARK general meeting is this coming Monday, February 17th at 7:00 pm at the First Methodist Church of Plano, 3160 East Spring Creek Parkway, Plano, TX. As usual, VE testing will be conducted before the meeting at 6:00 pm. Our topic will be Parks on the Air by Andy Barns W5KZJ.   We’ve got an…

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