Save This Date: HAM RADIO CLASS The Plano Amateur Radio Club will be presenting a Technician level amateur radio class on May 19th and 20th, 2018. The class will be held at the Allen Central Fire Station training center, which is located at 310 Century Parkway, in Allen TX.. As always the class is free, the EXAM…
Category: Newsletter
Plano CERT Class
While not directly club related, I have taken the Plano CERT class and am an active member. If this type of thing interests you, please consider signing up. Will You Help in an Emergency? Are you willing to lend a hand when an emergency strikes our community or a neighboring city? We’re recruiting volunteers for…
WinLink Training Class
NTX ARES ARES Winlink Class Date: Saturday, April 7, 2018 Time: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Location: Lucas Fire Station, Lucas Texas Who Can Attend: Any Licensed Amateur Radio Operator Join us for WinLink Training Class for Amateur Radio Operators. During this class you will learn the skills needed to set WinLink up on your…
PARK General Meeting March 19th 7:00 pm
The PARK meeting will be held on Monday March 19th. The location at the First Methodist Church of Plano. It is located at 3160 East Spring Creek Parkway, Plano,TX. We will be meeting in the large reception area. Our speaker at the P.A.R.K. meeting will be Tony W5ADC. He will be presenting “A HF Transceiver for $119”. The meeting will begin at 7…
PARK Field Day Antenna Build
We will be meeting at the Russell Creek Park Pavilion to start the antenna build and test process and discuss antenna placement and type. The meeting will start at 1:30 pm. We should finish by 3:00 pm. We will start with building the 80m/10m dipole. We will need to ultimately build three of these. Thanks,…
PARK General Meeting February 19th 7:00 pm
The PARK meeting will be held on Monday February 19th. The location at the First Methodist Church of Plano. It is located at 3160 East Spring Creek Parkway, Plano,TX. We will be meeting in the large reception area. Our speaker at the P.A.R.K. meeting will be Tim K5TCJ. He will be presenting “FT8 – The Greatest Thing since sliced bread…
Upcoming K5PRK Events
There are a number of upcoming events you might want to put on your calendars: 17 February – Water Tower Climb 28 April – 2018 Mentorfest 5 – 6 May – MS Round Up Ride 19 May – Walk to Cure Arthritis 8 – 10 – June Hamcom 16 June – Collin Classic 23 –…
Winter Field Day Results 2018
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who came out to support our joint WFD effort! Special thanks to Ted, KF5POV, Lucas Fire Chief, for allowing us to use his fantastic facility. This proved to be a very balanced effort and the final tally showed that we made the following: SSB QSO’s –…
PARK Winter Field Day Tomorrow Jan 27th!
Winter Field Day is just about here! The event will be held at the Lucas Fire Department training room. Setup will start about 10am Saturday morning and the event starts at 1pm. We plan to operate until at least 9pm and possibly later depending on band conditions. We will plan to start up again at…
PARK January General Meeting and VE Session
The PARK meeting will be held on Monday January 15th. The location at the First Methodist Church of Plano. It is located at 3160 East Spring Creek Parkway, Plano,TX. We will be meeting in the large reception area. Our speaker at the P.A.R.K. meeting next Monday, 15 Jan., is currently the Executive Director for two BEST Robotics not for profits…