Labor Day morning, September 2, 2019
Sign up link
I need at least 15 people. Most jobs are shadows.
They expect over 400 adults, and probably 120 kids (7-14 years old).
This is an easy event, and if you are new, it is an easy way to get into
working public service events and it is training for emergencies.
Attached is the timeline of the event.
For us our briefing will be at 6:15 sharp just west of the main entrance
if the Oak Point Rec Center.
Then find your shadow by 6:30 and the first race (7-10 year olds) starts
at 6:45.
The Run course closes at 12:00 and we should be done by then at the latest.
Free food! When your job is finished, the awards will be at the
Amphitheater, and there will be food there also.
You park at the Plano Center and walk to Oak Point Recreation Center
across the street.
If you park on the campus, you may not get out for a long time.
You will need a HT and preferably some type of ear piece, or headset. It
can get loud in places. Also wear a safety vest. If you have to deal
with cars, they pay attention to people in vests, and ignore you if you
do not have it on. Also it helps us spot one another.
We will use the PARK UHF Repeater. 444.250 + PL 79.7
I would like someone on a bicycle or motorcycle to be tail end Charlie
for the last adult bicyclist to leave the start. You stay with the last
person on the course.